Special thanks goes to the following Projects, Companies and Persons:
Typo3 CMS
One of the greatest CM-Systems ever seen.
Gave me a lot of ideas for TUPA and also took some ingenious functions from it.
Thanks for sponsoring almost everything of TUPA!
JPSPAN provides tools to “hook up” PHP and Javascript, for the purpose of fetching data from PHP into a web page which has already loaded, without reloading the entire page. It allows you to call remote PHP objects as local Javascript objects.
fValidate is a javascript based form validation tool from Peter Bailey with a lot of features.
Unfortunately his homepage is down since a couple of monthes.
Base code used for my system information page to make it running on different systems.
A very nice looking javascript calendar which is very easy to integrate and which has a lot of features to configure.
MRTG & RRDtool
The RRDtool is used to store PowerDNS statistics and MRTG to generate the nice looking diagrams.
All members of the TUPA community
Thanks to everyone who:
- uses TUPA
- reports bugs
- translates the interface
- gives me new ideas for features