Benefits of mobile apps for business
Businesses must strive to evolve in order to stay abreast of new technologies and respond to innovations that can make them more efficient. Creating and launching your own mobile app is quite a serious step. It requires an investment of time and resources. So what are the benefits of mobile app development? We have collected some of them.
Constant trend of growth in the number of mobile device users
The popularity of mobile Internet in the world is growing at a rapid pace. The number of Internet users of mobile devices has long ago exceeded the traffic of users from personal computers. The global mobile data traffic in the near future will grow with an average annual growth rate of 57%. The growth of mobile technology is opening up a huge new market of opportunities for any business, including small businesses. You can also find Financial Software Development Services to create serious software.
Perfect for the smartphone or tablet
Statistically, a large percentage of bounce rates go to sites that aren’t adaptive for mobile devices. Getting information from the small screen of a mobile device is inconvenient because of the small scale. Mobile app interfaces are initially designed to consume information from small screens. The structure of applications is optimized for comfortable navigation, all necessary information is easily accessible. The app makes the most of features available only for smartphones, such as calls, location, push notifications, and others.
Important marketing channel
If a customer is already using a smartphone or tablet to search and research products, why not let them use it to buy the products they want? The advantage of a mobile app is that it is installed by people who are initially interested in your products/services and it is for these people that you will post new information, promotions and special offers. Plus, once the app is installed, your icon will appear on the user’s home screen – a lasting promotional contact. One tap on the screen will be left to access your company’s products and services.
Constant, fast and inexpensive contact with your customer
Mobile devices are with a person almost 24 hours a day. It is a personal contact with your customers. Proper strategy and segmentation of push notifications allows you to communicate with different groups of users. A person who has installed your mobile app is more likely to make repeat purchases, as they are your direct target audience. However, push notifications should be used when something really important happens in the app and the notification is time and place-specific, useful information.
Customer engagement with your business
With a mobile app, your customers will be able to take greater advantage of your loyalty programs, discount offers, and promotions. Through a mobile application you can get feedback from customers about the work of your establishment, service, staff, and the quality of goods and services. In the app it is appropriate to implement viral mechanics with game elements, such as the possibility to receive discounts and bonuses for active participation in a marketing campaign. In in-app interaction reports, you’ll always know how users’ interest within the app has changed. You’ll be able to see how often people use the app and how they work with it.
Convenient way to monitor important business metrics
Mobile apps allow you to set up ecommerce tracking and collect information on all items purchased, total number of purchases, and their value. After apple app development, you can set up to receive key business data in real time, such as performance metrics: number of customers, sales, costs, profits.