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How to become a strong player in Counter-Strike Global Offensive

How to become a strong player in Counter-Strike Global Offensive

If you want to play as a professional and gradually develop your skills, there are a number of different rules that you should pay attention to. In the future, this will help you solve the problem and achieve excellent results. In addition, you can discover a lot of additional information at. So you will have a chance to focus on your skills and gradually achieve optimal results.

It’s no secret if you want to be successful at personal skill level in the game you need to train a lot, but just training and spending days on public servers is not enough to become a really strong player in Counter-Strike Global Offensive. This article will be divided into several items that in the future will help you not only to enjoy the game wisely, but at the same time to become better in the eyes of your friends and opponents.

Get rid of unnecessary

To begin with, you need to understand yourself and overcome so to say your game fears. Many players make a huge mistake, sitting in one place, afraid to go face to face with the enemy and waiting for a stronger player in the hope of killing him, but this in 80% of cases leads to collapse. So what to do with it? Don’t be afraid to play an aggressive game, this point will help you to develop strategic skills, understanding of the enemy and anticipating his actions you will take over him, and if you sit and wait, you are both a weak player and will remain one. The following points will be suitable only for those who do not have the habit of waiting.

Duration of the game

Do not forget about the reality, there is no need to rape the brain spending time in the game, it is enough 3-5 hours a day with breaks for a walk, breathe fresh air, eat well, drink tea, etc.

Shooting accuracy

Find your ideal sensitivity in the game, too much sensitivity will not give the accuracy of shooting in CS:GO, pick up the sensitivity so that you can at medium distances as accurately as possible sharp jerks to visit a certain point in motion and in place. If you have a dead mouse with a dead sensor and without a mouse pad, buy the same X7 and a tissue mat. This model of mouse is used by a lot of Counter-Strike players and is very good at pointing.

Hone the accuracy of the aiming in the game can be found on the Aim Botz map, which can be found in the Steam Workshop, this map has a variety of training options, with any weapon, different speed modes and even setting different obstacles.

Watching the game of professionals

More and more frequently held tournaments on CS:GO and all who have a game, can watch tournaments live in the CS:GO itself, watch such games, watch the players from professional teams, and gain experience from them.

Play on tried and tested servers

In search of a very large number of game servers, including servers DeathMatch, but do not confuse the official CS:GO servers and those that are in search of communities, it is there that you have to find the server CS:GO DM preferably with the mode FFA – which means each for himself, on such servers are very good to sharpen their skills, for example, after you have trained on the map Aim Botz. Find a normal DM FFA, play on it, after you can switch to DM FFA OnlyHeadshot, such servers are also enough, here it will be the same thing to check your skull, because on such a server will require all your skills – a fresh head, precision aiming, reaction and a little tactics.


All 4 points are the foundation that will help you very much in the future during the game. You can also get a lot of useful information here .